How to deal with a Crocodile

How to deal with a Crocodile

A big hungry crocodile waited for his lunch by a river when along came a little boy.
“Hello,” said the crocodile.
The little boy stopped, “Hello, I’ve not met a crocodile before.”
“I’ve met lots of little boys,” said the crocodile.
“You have? How many?” asked the little boy and the crocodile’s hungry belly rumbled the answer.
“Are you hungry?” asked the little boy.
“I am,” said the crocodile.
“And what do crocodiles eat?”
“I have lots of cakes at home.”
“You do?”
“Yes,” said the little boy, “My friends are coming for tea.”
“Are they little boys like you?” asked the crocodile, who’s belly rumbled some more.
“Yes, just like me.”
“Can I come to tea as well? I’m hungry for some cakes,” said the crocodile.
“That would be fun,” said the little boy, “I don’t think my friends have seen a crocodile before.”
So the crocodile followed the little boy to the village where he lived and they stopped outside a shop.
“Your home is a bakery” said the crocodile, “And what’s being baked today?”
“Pies,” said the little boy and they went into the shop. Inside there were lots of different cakes, cream ones, chocolate ones, fruit ones and sticky ones.
“And where are the pies,” asked the crocodile.
“They have not been made yet.”
“And where are the little boys?”
“They are not here but they will be coming soon,” said the little boy.
“How soon?” asked the crocodile.
“Very soon,” said the little boy.
“Good,” said the crocodile and his belly rumbled some more.
“I’ll take you out the back where we will meet them,” said the little boy.
They went into the back room and here there was a big oven where all the cakes and pies were baked.
“That’s a big oven,” said the crocodile.
“It has to be, think of all those cakes and pies that need to be baked every day.”
“And will we have tea here?” asked the crocodile, “I can’t see anything here for a tea party.”
“It won’t take long to sort everything out,” said the little boy.
“Before the little boys get here?” asked the crocodile.
“Oh, yes. But!”
“But?” said the crocodile.
“First, we will have to disguise you,” said the little boy.
“Why?” asked the crocodile.
“You might scare them, they’ve not seen a crocodile before and you are a big crocodile” said the little boy and he placed a hat and a pair of sun glasses on the crocodile’s head.
“Am I disguised?”
“No! you’re not.”
“What should we do now?” asked the crocodile.
“I know,” said the little boy, “We can cover you in pastry,” and he covered the crocodile in pastry.
“Well! Am I disguised now?”
“No, you still look like a crocodile.”
“So what are we going to do?” asked the crocodile.
The little boy scratched his head and said “I know, I can hide you.”
“But, where?”
“In the oven,” said the little boy, “And we had better be quick, my friends will be here soon.”
“The little boys will be here soon!?” and the crocodile’s belly rumbled some more.
“Quick! quick!” said the little boy, he opened the oven door and the crocodile walked in.
The little boy slammed the door and said, “Yum, my favourite, crocodile pie.”